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Copy.AI Review

The AI-Powered Writing Toolkit

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Published on: May 15, 2023

About Copy.AI

Remember the first time AI tools came onto the scene? It certainly felt like a paradigm shift. However, as is life, this excitement quickly turned to "yeah, that's a tool you can use if you're a writer. Not much else."

At least, that's what we feel with the state of current technology.

However, there's still a silver lining. Even if these AI tools may not produce high-quality, ready-to-post outputs that need little to no editing, they can still help you overcome writer's block. And that's exactly what copy.ai does. Imagine having a talented writing assistant, a creative brainstorming partner, and a productivity booster all rolled into one.

As great as it sounds, we had to thoroughly test Copy.ai's capabilities to determine whether it is worth the money.

In this Copy.ai review, we'll take an in-depth look at all of these aspects of Copy.ai so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not it's the right tool for you.

Copy.AI Key Features

  • Automated AI workflows
  • 90+ tools and templates
  • Supports 25+ languages
  • Google Docs styled content editor
  • Various tones to choose from
  • Can generate up to 10 outputs for each input you put in
  • Offers its own AI chat platform
  • Offers browser extension
  • An extensive collection of resources and tutorials
  • Dedicated customer support

Who Is It For?

  • Sales and marketing teams
  • Blog writers
  • Social media managers
  • Email marketers


  • Intuitive and easy-to-use interface.
  • Bulk generates content in a short time.
  • Easily tailored and customisable outputs.
  • 90+ templates to choose from. There's even a freestyle tool that lets you generate ideas for use cases that might not be available.
  • Gives free users renewable monthly generations for no charge.


  • Sometimes generates repetitive outputs
  • Need to manually edit the output sometimes due to poor grammar and spelling errors.
  • No inbuilt plagiarism and fact checker tool.
  • No integrations with SEO tools.

Overall Rating

Overall, Copy.ai is a user-friendly copywriting tool with excellent customer support and industry focus. However, the pricing may be a concern for small business owners or solopreneurs, and there are occasional issues with content quality.

copy.ai logo

Ease Of Use

Simple and straightforward UI with a really low learning curve.


Slow output and frequently irrelevant and/or erroneous content.

Output Quality

Impressive quality as it is fine tuned by experts.


Pricing is a bit steep, especially for a small business owner or solopreneur.


Customer support is highly responsive.

Detailed Copy.AI Review

What Is Copy.AI?

Copy.ai is an AI-powered copywriting tool that's designed to tackle writer's block, something every writer can relate to. With Copy.ai's automated tools, you can create copies for various purposes like digital ads for Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google, social media content including captions and posts, website and blog content, sales content, and more.Plus, it even helps you brainstorm ideas to save time and energy. Just choose a topic and type of copy, describe your product and company, and watch as Copy.ai's advanced AI-powered technology instantly produces effective results.

Copy.AI Key Features

There's no denying that copy.ai is an incredibly powerful tool, and its key features are a big part of what sets it apart from other options on the market:

  • Automated AI Workflows: Automated AI workflows can help you streamline the content creation process, enhance content quality, and save time and effort, allowing you to focus on other critical aspects of their work.
  • 90+ Tools and Templates: Copy.ai provides a vast library of tools and templates to assist you in generating different types of content, including blog posts, social media captions, product descriptions, and more. These tools and templates offer a starting point for content creation and can be customised to suit your specific requirements.
  • Supports 25+ Languages: Copy.ai can generate content in over 25 languages, making it one of the most versatile AI writers in the market.
  • Google Docs-styled content editor: Copy.ai offers a user-friendly content editor that resembles the familiar interface of Google Docs. This makes it easy for you to create, edit, and format content within the platform, providing a seamless experience.
  • Various tones to choose from: Copy.ai allows users to select from a wide range of tones for their content, such as professional, conversational, humorous, and more. This enables users to tailor the generated content to match their desired tone and style.
  • Multiple outputs for each input: You can generate up to 10 different outputs for each input you provide, so you have various options and creative ideas to choose from.
  • Browser extension: Copy.ai offers a Google Chrome extension, allowing you to access its features directly from your web browser.
  • Large collection of resources and tutorials: Copy.ai provides extensive resources, tutorials, and guides to help you make the most out of the tool. This includes tips, best practices, and step-by-step instructions to assist users in creating high-quality content.
  • Dedicated Customer Support: Copy AI offers dedicated customer support to assist you with any questions, issues, or concerns you may have. This ensures you receive timely assistance and support throughout your content creation journey.

Who Can Benefit From Copy.AI?

You will benefit the most from Copy.ai if you fit into one or more of these categories:

  • Sales and Marketing Teams: Copy.ai goes beyond just generating text – it can also automate your workflows to boost your team's productivity. Need to send personalised cold emails? Copy.ai has got you covered. Want to drive traffic with programmatic SEO? Copy.ai can help with that too. Need to write product descriptions in bulk or produce thought-provoking long-form articles? Copy.ai can streamline those tasks too.
  • Bloggers: Copy.ai's long-form blog post creation tool, Blog Post Wizard, enables you to create a detailed first draft in a matter of minutes. The main sections, the subsections, and the talking points under each section— Blog Post Wizard will take care of everything. The best part? You can edit the generated content as you like. Plus, there are even templates tailored for different types of blogs, like how-to guides, listicles, and more.
  • Social Media Managers: With copy.ai's freestyle tool, you can easily write social media posts in a matter of minutes. And that's not all - Copy.ai also offers ready-to-use templates for popular social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, and more. These templates are tailored specifically for each platform, so you get precisely targeted marketing copy for your posts.
  • Email Marketers: Copy.ai's AI email writer generates high-converting email campaigns in just a few clicks. You can use the freestyle tool to write hyper-personalised email copies that resonate with your target audience. It's perfect for various use cases like lifecycle emails, nurture sequences, discount and sales promotions, event promotions, follow-up emails, and cold outbound emails.

Copy.AI Pros

When it comes to powerful AI writing tools, copy.ai is one of the top contenders. Here's why:

  1. Simple and Straightforward UI: One of the best things about copy.ai is its intuitive and easy-to-use interface. You don't need any technical expertise to use it effectively, which is great for anyone who wants to get started quickly without any fuss.
  2. Bulk Content Generation: Another major advantage of using copy.ai is its ability to bulk-generate content in a very short amount of time. This is a huge time-saver, especially for content marketers who need to produce large volumes of content on a regular basis.
  3. 90+ Templates: Copy.ai has an impressive selection of templates available for use, making it easy to find the perfect one for your project. There's even a freestyle tool that lets you generate ideas for use cases that might not be available.
  4. Customisable Outputs: Copy.ai lets you easily customise the outputs to suit your specific needs. This feature helps to make your content stand out and feel unique.
  5. No Cost Renewable Monthly Generations For Free Users: For those who want to try out copy.ai without committing to a paid plan, the fact that it gives free users renewable monthly generations for no charge is a great deal. It's a great way to test the tool's capabilities and see if it fits your needs well.

Copy.AI Cons

While Copy.ai offers many useful features, there may be some areas where it doesn't quite meet the mark:

  1. May Generate Repetitive Outputs: Although copy.ai can generate content quickly, the output may sometimes feel repetitive. This can be frustrating if you're looking for unique content.
  2. Sometimes Require Manual Editing: While copy.ai does its best to generate grammatically correct content, errors may still slip through. This means that you may need to spend time manually editing the output.
  3. No Inbuilt Plagiarism and Fact Checker Tool: Copy.ai does not offer an inbuilt plagiarism or fact checker tool, which can be a concern for writers who need to ensure that their content is original and factually accurate.
  4. No Integrations with SEO Tools: Copy.ai does not currently integrate with SEO tools, which can be a disadvantage for writers who need to optimise their content for search engines.

Copy.AI Case Study - Using Copy.AI To Create Content

I understand it's hard for you to base your decisions simply by perusing through some list of pros and cons and simply reading key features. So I'll try to give you a better overview of copy.ai in this case study.

In fact, you can even try it for yourself by signing up for the free plan.  

copy.ai dashboard

The Dashboard

copy.ai dashboard

This is how the dashboard looks like once you log in. Copy.ai' dashboard UI is user-friendy and very easy to navigate. On the the top right you'll see the 3 main sections copy.ai is divided into and that are:

  • Chat
  • Templates
  • Tools


copy.ai chat

Chat by Copy.ai offers you an intuitive dashboard to help you write content. On the left, you have a layout that looks and feels similar to ChatGPT. And on the right is an inline doc editor that allows you to cut, copy, paste, and polish your way to long-form content.


Copy.ai Templates

Even in its free version, Copy.ai offers 90+ templates and tools for you to work with. These templates are organised into various segments such as Blog, Social Media Content, Email, Website Copy, etc.


Additionally, there are numerous small use-case-specific tools that you can benefit from.

For example, if you want to write a website copy, there are 10 tools just dedicated to that purpose. You can click on the website copy tool and see a tooltip describing what the tool can do for you.

copy ai tools

Blogging Features

copy.ai blogging

Copy.ai provides a total of 4 templates specially designed for blogging.

Blog Post Wizard

Starting with Blog Post Wizard, this template can help you create a first working draft of your blog post in less than 5 minutes.

copy.ai blog post wizard

All you have to do is provide the title, and the keywords and select a tone. Once you provide all the information, hit on the Generate Outline button.

copy.ai blog post wizard

Copy.ai will come with various sections. If you like, you can add more sections to the existing output. After that, click on the 'generate talking points' button. And you'll get a list of major points that need to be covered under each section.

You can add more talking points manually or click 'generate more' if you need to add more talking points to a section. If you don't like initially generated talking points, you can regenerate those too. Once you feel you're good to go, hit the 'Generate Content' button.

Here is a sample of a copy I generated by Copy AI:

copy ai copy
copy ai copy 2
copy ai copy

This is where things can go a little downhill. As previously stated, one of the key phrases was  -' Can cats eat bananas?' and in reference to it, the AI writer came up with factually incorrect and gibberish content, for instance:

  • It is not the peel of the banana that contains the compound BMAA, but rather the flesh or pulp of the fruit.
  • Stating that bananas are good for a cat's coat and skin and then saying it can upset a cat's GI and cause obesity.
  • The conclusion is poorly worded ( well, so is the rest of the article) and makes no sense.

So as you can see, copy.ai's AI-generated content needs rigorous fact-checking and editing to ensure perfect results.

You can also use the tools menu to improve the content further. Click on the tool you want to use, copy-paste your generated content into the editor, and you can start brushing up the content.

Blog Intro

The 'Blog Intro' is another template offered under this category. You simply provide the title of your blog post and give a brief description of what your blog post is all about. Once you've provided these details and clicked the 'Create Copy' button, the AI writer will generate a set of blog intros for you. You can then copy and paste them into your editor or save them for later use. If there are intros that you don't like, you can easily remove them, and if you find some that you really like, you can generate more of them. The blog intros generated by Copy.ai are of decent quality and can be used as they are, or you can use them as inspiration to craft your own intros.

Blog Outline

The 'Blog Outline' template can be helpful if you have tons of ideas but don't have a framework to work with. It provides a comprehensive outline of the blog post that you intend to write, saving you much time and effort. Simply mention the title of your blog post, explain what your blog post is about, and choose a tone, and the AI writer will immediately generate a list of outlines for you.

I decided to take this template for a little spin, and here's the input that I wrote:

blog outline

These are the results that I got:

blog outline result

Blog Section

If you're ever stuck with writer's block in the midst of writing a blog and need a little inspiration, this template can help you get some good ideas. Just describe your blog topic and select the tone you want, then hit the Create Copy button. The better your description, the better the ideas this tool will generate for you. While the generated content is generally good, some may not make perfect sense. So you might have to a little editing here and there.

Social Media Content

Social Media Content

One of the key use cases of copy.ai is creating content for social media, and that's why it offers a total of 11 unique templates tailored specifically for social media content creation, making it a valuable asset for your social media marketing efforts.


copy.ai email

Among all the templates copy.ai has to offer, the templates designed for emails are the finest and produce quite robust results. Using these templates is fairly simple. All you need to do is choose a template, add the information or main points you want to cover in the email, choose the tone, and click "create content."

Here are a few variations of a cold outreach email generated by copy.ai:

copy.ai email output
copy.ai email output

Website Copy

copy.ai website copy

To create website content, copy.ai won't give you many options with its templates. As you can see, there are only two options to choose from, i.e., sales landing page and About Us copy.

I decided to have a little fun with the sales landing page template, and here are a few of the results that I got:

copy.ai website copy results
copy.ai website copy results

As you can see, the quality of the content is not the greatest and is decent at best. For small business owners with low budgets, it can serve as an inspiration, but for marketing purposes, you'll need more than just a generically written copy.

Other Features

There are a few more additional Use Cases copy.ai caters to and has templates for:


copy.ai video

You also get templates to create video content. As you can see, there's one for writing an intro to a video script, one to write a Youtube video description, one to write your Youtube channel's description and lastly, a template to create social media posts for sharing your videos.

I decided to write a youtube video description, and here's what copy.ai came up with:

copy.ai video result

As you can see, you might need a little tweaking here and there to make the content publish-worthy.

General Business

General Business copy ai

With a category called "General Business", you would think it's all business-related stuff like sales copy and emails, but instead, you'll see HR templates for rejection letters, job descriptions, and hiring blurbs. In my opinion, it doesn't make much sense, especially when you need to send personalised responses anyway. Honestly, it's sometimes easier to create your own responses from scratch than trying to fill in all the details in these templates just to make them make sense.

Case Study

Case study copyai

The templates here are supposed to help you create content online to write a case study.

Unfortunately, the content output may not be upto to par for creating an online case study and perhaps you should write your own or hire a marketing expert to do the same for you.

Fun Templates

fun templates copy.ai

Not going to lie, I had the most fun playing around with these templates. The outputs were enjoyable and creative. I decided to create some song lyrics and gave this input:

song lyrics copy.ai

Here's what it came up with:

song lyrics copy.ai result

Pretty cool, isn't it?

All in all, these templates do exactly what they're meant to do, which is for you to have "fun" with them.

Though, it does feel a little odd and (almost funny) to have a AI template dedicated to write wedding vows. But who's to say you wouldn't need it in the future? 

Copy.AI Pricing

Copy.AI Pricing

The free plan is great for personal use as it offers many of the same features as the Pro plan. It's a great way to give Copy.ai a try and see if it's a good fit for you. However, if you're a freelancer, a business owner or a solopreneur who writes and publishes regularly, the free plan might not be enough. If you decide to upgrade, there's the Pro plan, where you'll get everything the free version has and a few extra features. It costs $49 per month (or $36 per month when billed annually), which can be a little steep compared to other AI-powered tools available online. And for enterprise-level customers or teams with over 20 seats, there's a special enterprise plan, but the pricing isn't specified. You'll need to get in touch with copy.ai's team to learn more about that one

Copy.ai Review - Our Verdict

Overall, Copy.ai is a user-friendly copywriting tool with excellent customer support and industry focus. However, the pricing may be a concern for small business owners or solopreneurs, and there are occasional issues with content quality.

copy.ai logo

Ease Of Use

Simple and straightforward UI with a really low learning curve.


Slow output and frequently irrelevant and/or erroneous content.

Output Quality

Impressive quality as it is fine tuned by experts.


Pricing is a bit steep, especially for a small business owner or solopreneur.


Customer support is highly responsive.

Copy.AI FAQs

We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions about Copy.AI to help you learn more about this content writing platform.

What can I create with Copy.ai?

You can write all major types of copies - blog posts, marketing copies, sales copies, digital ad copies, long-form and short-form content, social media captions, and much more.

Is Copy.ai completely free?

Copy.ai offers a free plan where you can access free tools to create content. However, if you need extra features, you can subscribe to the Pro plan.

What languages does Copy.ai support?

With the Pro plan, you can create content in the following 29+ languages: English, German, French, Polish, Bulgarian, Finnish, Latvian, Swedish, Italian, Danish, Czech, Hungarian, Romanian, Spanish, Dutch, Chinese, Japanese,  Slovak, Portuguese, Estonian, Lithuanian, and Slovenian.

Can I write a book with Copy.ai?

Yes you can. But you would need to manually edit it to get it sound non-robotic and to make it factually correct.

Who can use copy.ai?

Literally, anyone! Be it copywriters, marketers, or business owners, anyone can use copy.ai to create content quickly for their website, blog and social media channels.


An ardent reader, full-time writer and a lover of all things purple. Riya is an entrepreneurial spirit, making her way in the start-up industry through her expressive writing. When not working, you can find her jamming to music, watching period films, eating sushi, or petting cats.

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